Guofang Li – BCLCILA Membership Officer
Hello B.C. Literacy Council Members,
I am Guofang Li, the new membership officer of the B.C. Literacy Council of the International Literacy Association Executive Committee! I am a Professor and Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Transnational and Global Perspectives of Language and Literacy Education at UBC. My research focuses on language and literacy development among multilingual and immigrant children, particularly in diverse and global contexts. Recently, I’ve explored topics like superdiversity in education and multilingual literacy, as highlighted in works such as Superdiversity and Teacher Education (2021) and my new book, International Handbook of Literacies in Families and Communities (forthcoming 2025), which examines the critical role of family and community contexts in shaping literacy practices worldwide. My three children have helped to fine tune my perspective and ideas in this area.
Beyond research, I’ve been actively involved in initiatives to support literacy in practical and accessible ways. For example, I’ve been collaborating with educators and community partners to redesign a culturally and linguistically sustaining after-school reading program in Surrey which is expanding into two schools and reaching more learners!
I am also exploring new topics that are profoundly impacting education. Last week, I delivered a keynote at an international conference titled, The Magic, Myths, and Momentum of Generative AI in Language Education: Transformation or Reformation? While the audience was primarily international, the presentation allowed me to reflect on the implications of AI for language and literacy education and how educators can leverage AI’s potential to address the diverse needs of learners in our local contexts here in British Columbia.
I am passionate about empowering educators, families, and communities with the knowledge and tools to foster inclusive and transformative literacy practices. I’m excited that the B.C. Literacy Council has experienced steady growth over the past year. I am exploring opportunities for continued outreach work with our president, Carrie Froese. One initiative involves distributing bookmarks with parent-child reading tips, designed to encourage families to engage in meaningful and enjoyable reading experiences together.
I look forward to connecting with you to continue advancing literacy education in B.C. and beyond!
Guofang Li
B.C. Literacy Council of the International Literacy Association – Membership Officer
Did you know that when you join the International Literacy Association (ILA) and you are a resident of BC, you are automatically invited as a member of BCLCILA?
BCLCILA is the BC Council of the International Literacy Association. Together we are committed to providing BC educators with the resources and support they need for success —including valuable ideas, inspiration, and connection to a like-minded community of literacy leaders.
The BC Literacy Council has approximately 60 members with 50% joining in the last 6 years. Most of these member’s main point of connection is through our online presence. In the Spring of 2021, a survey was sent out to our membership to touch base with how they would be best served. Top comments: a) Connection with people in a hybrid model: in-person/online; b) Seeking Pro-D and development opportunities; c) Be involved and tap into local talent.
We know that COVID restrictions put a damper on any face-to-face meetings, however, we are still active on-line with Pro-D opportunities and with twitter sharings. Check out the ILA website for a full listing of free and pay webinars. Please follow us on twitter and feel free to share your literature experiences with us @ BCLiteracyCouncil-ILA.
Make a choice to be part of this connected educational community to promote literacy. Become a member today!
- Option 1: Online Membership – $44.00
- Option 2: Student Membership – $39.00 + (free journal subscription)
Top 5 Benefits of ILA Membership
- Practical teaching tools you can use in the classroom
- Access to top-rated journals, innovative research, and best practices
- Being part of a community of reading professionals
- Discounts on IRA publications and other professional development resources
- Reduced conference registration rates
IRA Membership Benefits
ILA members are part of a worldwide organization that provides outstanding professional development and supports excellent teaching, critical research, and promotion of the lifetime reading habit. We’ve highlighted just some of our member benefits below!
Access to leading journals
ILA journals are the first choice of literacy educators at all levels. Are you looking for research-based teaching techniques for your classroom? Do you need the latest on hot topics or a deeper understanding of the essentials? IRA journals have something for you.
Enhance your membership with your choice of ILA’s peer–reviewed professional journals.
The Reading Teacher
For those working with children up to age 12
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy
For teachers of older students
Reading Research Quarterly
For those committed to scholarship in literacy
Significant savings, members-only opportunities
Nowhere else will you find such an array of books, brochures, and videos, all focused exclusively on literacy practice and research—and all available to members at a 20% discount.
Outstanding professional development opportunities
At our conferences and conventions you’ll be welcomed into the global community of professionals who share your commitment to literacy. As a member, you receive substantial discounts on rates and can access early members-only registration periods for the annual convention.
Join your Council or Affiliate
Our network of local, state/provincial, and national councils and affiliates brings the International Literacy Association to your doorstep. Connect with literacy professionals in your area. Or choose from 40 special interest groups in which to explore various issues with professionals who share your concerns. Click here to learn more.
A place to make a difference
ILA provides a number of ways to get involved. Join our advocacy efforts and help influence education policy. Volunteer for or sponsor a literacy project. ILA membership places you in an international network of professionals in the field of reading and education.
Our Board of Directors and committee structure offer leadership opportunities. Committee involvement also offers the chance to provide direction to ILA’s executive officers. The Association is your organization, so you decide who will lead our professional network and what course we will follow. Voting is a privilege of membership.
Members-only e-newsletter with practical tips
If the membership fee to join the International Literacy Association is prohibitive, please contact the Executive member in the district closest to you. Executive members have been encouraged to recommend up to 3 student teachers or new teachers for a complimentary online membership. Note: Complimentary memberships are granted on a first come, first serve basis until the allotted funds have been depleted. All members of the International Literacy Association who live in British Columbia, automatically become members of the British Columbia Literacy Council – ILA.