Get Involved

  • Participate in professional development offered online by the International Reading Association. Funds are available to B.C. Literacy Council – ILA members. Complete the application  and submit to Funds will be approved based on the criteria outlined in the application, on a first come, first serve basis until the designated funds are deleted.
  • Serve on the Executive Council of the British Columbia Literacy Council of the International Literacy Association
  • Propose your ideas via
  • Grow your Professional Network via our social media channels

Literacy Learning at the Tidal WAV (Wild About Vancouver) or WALK PG (Prince George)or WILD ABOUT Burnaby.

We are excited to announce that the BC Literacy Council of the International Literacy Association will be hosting a BCLCILA literacy tent and sponsoring a placed based scavenger hunt at the WALK PG in May 2025. Registered Students be given a book on completion of a scavenger hunt (while supplies last) and teachers will have the chance to win draw prizes to support their lessons in the outdoor classroom.

Larkyn Froese, a Burnaby teacher is spearheading a collaboration with the Wild About Outdoor Learning Society called WILD ABOUT Burnaby. Students will be observing, measuring, reading, writing about birds in an integrated study that will culminate in created a garden to support local songbirds.

Stay tuned for more information on registration. Contact us if you are interested in volunteering at this event.

LOMCIRA had a long history of bringing people together to discuss literacy and plan how to support our students in their literacy development.  International Literacy Association members living in British Columbia are automatically BCLCILA members.   Members are invited to submit proposals to enhance literacy learning in British Columbia.  Ideas for considerations can be submitted to or any of the BCLCILA Executive members for discussion at monthly executive meetings.  You will be notified once your proposal has been considered.  Indicate in the subject line:  ATTENTION BCLCILA Proposal.  







of the





Request for Funding from ReadingBC (BCLCILA)

Maximum Amount of Funding: $500.00


 Action Project for School Community

 Action Project Event for Educators and Parents



Title of Action Project



Name of Participant(s):

*To become an ILA member or renew ILA membership:


Exp. Date

Plan to Organize Action Plan

  Dates          Times                   Meeting Details (Venue/Online)

Funding Available – maximum $500.00

Proposed Budget (Receipts Required)

Author Honorarium $250.00

Door Prizes:


*ILA Memberships:




Detailed Action Plan Proposal

Examples of Action Projects

2019-2020 Events:

Panel Discussion of author, genre..,

Professional Development Presentation – Indigenous Education

Seesion with Writer

Action Plan for School: E.g. Author or Poet Visit)


Action Plan for Educators and Parents


Application Form Example

Archived Possibilities for Participation:






For many years, International Literacy Association members (previously IRA) have been active in British Columbia as
BCLCIRA, LOMCIRA (Lower Mainland Council), CINCIRA (Central Interior Council), and VIRA (Victoria Council).

What has remained constant has been the passion of educators across the province for improving the literacy
proficiency of our students. Members have gravitated to the International Literacy Association with the
quest to become part of a community focused on considering and implementing the very best literacy practices for our students.


Recent Changes


Some of the key changes over the years have been the expanding the conversation about reading to include writing, speaking,
listening, thinking skills, neuroscience and technology.

People are busier and seeking our ways to build community in different ways. The British Columbia Literacy Council of The
International Literacy Council is trying to respond to those changes by broadening the opportunities for engagement focused
on literacy in the province.

We are very excited to outline what we have in mind and are certainly open to the
suggestions of all of our International Literacy members in British Columbia.

Our website has some great information and links to the International Literacy Association
site should you be interested in becoming a member. Currently all ILA members living in
British Columbia are members of the provincial council as well and have a vote at the
Annual General Meeting. The ReadingBC Facebook page has been revitalized and is
growing daily. The intention is to have a page devoted to making connections with literacy
educators, parents and advocates to further the conversation about books, interesting
information and professional development. The Provincial Coordinator, Carrie Froese, set
up this page and is the administrator at this time.Check out and Connect via Facebook at ReadingBC
Conferences:Kristen Ziemke was scheduled to speak at Fall Conference 2014. Although this was cancelled due to job action, I was able
to connect with her at ILA 2015 in St. Louis and she is still keen to come to Vancouver. We are hoping to make this happen.
Over the years, conferences have been attended widely and we have brought in IRA board members and/ or supports such as
Jerry Johns, Colleen Cruz, and others.
Book Clubs:
#ReadOnILAGroups of ILA members are encouraged to come together with
colleagues to explore some of the ILA books written by
prominent researchers. A number of books have been chosen
with the intention that several groups will read the same book
and, provided with a structure, will share with other members
within British Columbia or perhaps further afield. A group with a
minimum of 3 ILA members can apply for funding to defray the
costs of books and meetings.PLEASE COMPLETE FORM A
Online Conversations: #ReadOnILA will be invited to submit thoughts and questions
about books they are reading via OneNote or response to the
blog of the Provincial Coordinator in BC – Inquire2Empower
( A basis for questions to be used
for scheduled TwitterChats or Blabs about the ReadOnILA
selections. These twitterChats will be open to all ILA members.
Participation by authors and non-ILA members is encouraged.
Dates/times of TwitterChats to be posted on the Twitter feed
and BCLCILA website when book groups are formed.
Inquiry Groups: Asking questions that matter leads to meaningful learning for
both children and adults alike. Many researchers have written
on the power of inquiry in the process in creating meaningful
change (Leadbeater 2012 & Dockendorf 2014). Judy Halbert &
Linda Kaser’s book Spirals of Inquiry (2013) did an excellent job
of outlining the process and significance of educational inquiry
with the focus on key inquiry questions.PLEASE COMPLETE FORM C
ILA Community Project Group: Many International Literacy Association members retain their
membership long after they have retired. Several of these
retired members have expressed interest in holding community
based literacy events. An application for funding can be
submitted for community actions that focus on literacy for
children or educational events / speakers of interest to literacy
educators and/or parents or caregivers.PLEASE COMPLETE FORM B
Form a Literacy Committee of the British Columbia
Literacy Council of the International Literacy Association:
This option would require the strong commitment of a group of
ILA members to come together with the intention of developing
a Literacy Committee over a period of several years. It would
require a minimum of 6 ILA members: Start-up funding for the
group would be available for the 2015-16 year. The group
would then be responsible for raising funds for future activities
and events and holding funds in a council account.PLEASE COMPLETE FORM D

No Cost Items for Consideration & General information



TwitterChats – to be facilitated by Carrie Froese / no cost item / participants from book clubs,
community actions groups and inquiry groups may choose to participate

Funding Applications Available:

Application for Funding of a Book Group – #ReadOnILA
Amount per ILA member to defray the cost of the book (receipts required)
Amount per member to go towards meetings (receipts required)

Application for Funding for Community Action Group
Proposal and Budget for Community Action Project supporting literacy

Application for Funding of an Inquiry Group
Cost of Spirals of Inquiry to facilitate the process (Halbert & Kaser, 2013)
Cost of materials to support the inquiry (receipts required)

Application for Forming a Literacy Committee of the BCLCILA
Fill all positions and submit information to Provincial Coordinator
Set regular meetings (minimum of 4 per year)
Send minutes of meetings and financial reports to Provincial Coordinator
Send activity reports for inclusion on BCLCILA website (
Sign an agreement that all funds raised under the banner of BCLCILA or ILA are to be submitted to
the BCLCILA in the event of the literacy committee going into dormancy.
Possible activities:
Featured Literacy Speaker (possibly BCLCILA exec member – in person or via Skype
Author Visit (for students, educators)
Parent Education Session
Literacy Fair

Entering the World of Graphic Novels – A Panel Discussion
Posted by Carrie Froese on January 19th 2020

Hosted by Carrie Froese – President ReadingBC / BC Literacy Council of the International Literacy Association / Principal – David Livingstone Elementary School.  Check out

A panel discussion about the world of graphic novels including to date:

Trent Doiron – Youth and Family Worker with the VSB / Graphic Novel enthusiast

Kelly Patrick – Secondary Librarian, ReadingBC / BCLCILA Executive member

Kathryn Ransdell – parent / Orton Gillingham tutor in training

Date TBA

Place – David LIvingstone Elementary Library

Time – 6:30 pm – refreshments and browsing

– 7:00 pm – panel discussion

– 7:30 pm – draw prizes and wrap up

A Journey Started with Indigenous Reconcilliation Through Children’s Literature & Voice
Posted by Linda Klassen on January 19th 2020

A session by BCLCILA Vice President, Linda Klassen at the Odyssey Professional Development Conference 2020 for Langley Educators

February 14, 2020 at R.E. Mountain Secondary

Langley Educators Register

Creativity Through Cookbooks
Posted by Carrie Froese on January 19th 2020

Check out the following link for information on Creativity Through Cookbooks on January 22, 2020