
By-laws of the British Columbia Literacy Council of the International Literacy Association

ARTICLE I – Name and Area Served

The council shall be called the British Columbia Literacy Council of the International Literacy Association (BC Literacy Council or BCLCILA serving the province of British Columbia.

ARTICLE II – Name and Purposes

Section 1 – Name

The British Columbia Literacy Council shall be a professional organization of individuals who are concerned with the improvement of reading.

Section 2 – Purposes

The purpose of the Council shall be:

  1. to encourage the study of literacy in all educational levels,
  2. to stimulate and promote research in literacy;
  3. to study the various factors that influence progress in literacy;
  4. to heighten awareness of pertinent and significant investigations and practices;
  5. to assist in the development of effective teacher-education programs;
  6. to disseminate knowledge helpful in the solution of problems related to reading;
  7. to sponsor conferences and meetings;
  8. to facilitate a literacy network;
  9. to promote mutual understanding and cooperation among educators in the elementary grades, middle schools, secondary schools, special areas, college/university, and leadership positions;
  10. to promote mutual understanding among parents and community groups;
  11. to encourage and guide the formation of local councils within the province; and
  12. to advocate in support of literacy at all government levels.

ARTICLE III – Membership and Dues

Section 1 – Eligibility

Membership in the Council will be comprised of all members of the International Reading Association who reside in British Columbia.

Section 2 – Council Dues

Members do not pay dues to BCLCIRA.

ARTICLES IV – Officers

Section 1 – Officers

The officers (executive) of the Council shall be a president, a president elect, a vice president, a past president, a treasurer, a secretary, and a director of membership development all of whom are elected. The provincial co-ordinator shall also be a member of the executive. The above mentioned officers may appoint up to three members-at-large who shall also be voting officers. The executive may include one voting representative from each local council. Any member of the International Reading Association resident in B.C. who has served on a local council or is serving on a local IRA council other than as president, president elect, or vice president is eligible to hold any BCLCIRA office except that of president, president-elect, or vice president.

Section 2 – Terms of Office

The terms of office for all executive positions, except the director of membership development, shall be one year. The president-elect shall automatically succeed to the office of president for one year. The director of membership development will hold office for three years. The President may serve for a second year with the full agreement of the executive. The holder of any position may run for successive terms annually.

Section 3 – Time of Assuming Office

Each officer shall assume the duties of office on November 1, following the election held at the Annual General Meeting in late October.

Section 4 – Duties of President

The president shall act as the executive officer of the Council. The president shall preside at all meetings of the Council, shall act as chairperson of the executive committee, and shall exercise general leadership and supervision over the affairs of the Council, implementing its purposes. The president will be a signing officer on all financial accounts, edit and circulate the annual newsletter/call for nominations. The president will be the BCLCIRA delegate to the Annual IRA Delegates Assembly.

Section 5 – Duties of President Elect

The president elect shall assume and perform the duties of the president in the event of the absence, incapacity, or resignation of the president. Should the office of president become vacant, the president elect shall become president immediately and shall serve the unexpired portion of the president’s term in addition to the year for which the president-elect was elected. The president-elect will chair the budget committee.

Section 6 -Duties of Vice President

The vice president shall serve as the official representative on the joint Fall Conference Committee and as chairperson of the Program Committee, shall coordinate internal programs and fulfill such other duties as are assigned by the president and executive. The vice president shall assume the office of president elect.

Section 7 -Duties of Past President

The past-president shall chair the Nomination Committee, serve on the Budget Committee, and fulfill such other duties as are assigned by the president and executive.

Section 8 – Duties of Treasurer

The treasurer shall:

  1. maintain accurate and up-to-date records;
  2. have custody of the funds of the council which shall be deposited in the name of British Council Literacy Council;
  3. sign cheques on behalf of the council as one of two signators,
  4. cooperate fully with an annual audit and within thirty (30) days of retirement from office, turn over to the successor all funds, accounts, and books of the treasurer.

Section 9 – Duties of Secretary

The secretary shall:

  1. record the happenings of all executive meetings;
  2. keep a permanent book of the minutes of all meetings;
  3. cooperate fully with the successor by turning over up-to-date records within thirty (30) days of retirement from office.

Section 10 – Duties of Director of Membership Development

The director of membership development shall:

  1. notify total membership of the date, time, and place of all general meetings at least two (2) weeks before the meeting;
  2. circulate proposed amendments to each member at least thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting at which the amendments are to be voted upon;
  3. cooperate fully with directions from council meetings regarding needed correspondence and notices;
  4. send articles and notices to IRA Headquarters and the state/provincial president and coordinator;
  5. cooperate fully with the successor by turning over an up-to-date record of correspondence within thirty (30) days of retirement from office;
  6. maintain an up-to-date list of members;
  7. chair the membership Committee.

Section 11 – Duties of Members at Large

Members at large shall perform such duties as assigned by the executive.

Section 12 – Duties of Local Council Representatives

Local council representatives shall keep the executive informed of the activities of the local councils.

Section 13 – Interim Replacement

In the events of a vacancy in the office of vice president, president elect, treasurer, secretary, or director of membership development, the executive shall have the power to fill the vacancy until the next regular election.

ARTICLE V –Annual General Meeting

Section 1-Composition

The AGM shall consist of the majority of the executive and all other attending members of the council.

Section 2-Function

The AGM shall be the legislative body of the British Columbia Literacy Council and shall have full power and authority over the affairs of the council within the limits set by these bylaws. It shall have authority to review decisions made by the executive and to accept or reject them.

Section 3-Quorum

A quorum shall consist of the executive plus all those in attendance who are eligible to vote.

Section 4-Meetings

The AGM of the British Columbia Literacy Council shall meet at least once each year.

Section 5-Notification of Meetings

At least two (2) weeks in advance of each meeting, the president shall notify all members of the date, time, and place of the meeting.

Section 6-Amendments to the Bylaws

The AGM of the British Columbia Literacy Council shall have the power to amend these bylaws. Motions of amendment must be circulated to the membership at least two weeks prior to the AGM.

ARTICLE VI – Nomination and Election of Officers

Section 1 – Election

All officers, except the president, president elect and past president shall be elected at the AGM.

Section 2 – Nominating Committee

The nominating committee shall be chaired by the past president and will include at least one other executive person. The committee shall prepare a slate of nominees annually. Each nominee must be a member of the International Reading Association. Advance consent from each nominee shall be secured by the committee.

Section 3 – Mode of Election

If the voting is to take place at the AGM, the president shall give an opportunity to propose nominations from the floor for each office after the slate form the nominating committee has been presented. Voting shall be by ballot if there are two (2) or more nominees for a vacant elective office. A plurality of the votes cast shall constitute an election. In case of a tie the president shall cast the deciding vote. The results of the election shall be announced as soon as possible, preferably at the AGM. The president shall be responsible for reporting the newly elected officers to IRA Headquarters, via the provincial coordinator, using the official form provided by the Association by the date specified on the form. The results of the election shall then be announced.

Section 4 – Terms of Office

Each elected officers shall assume the duties of office on November 1 following the election and shall continue to serve for the duration of the term.

ARTICLE VII – Committees

Section 1 – Executive Committee

The executive committee shall be composed of the president (who shall serve as chairperson), the president elect, vice president, past president, the secretary, the treasurer, the director of membership development, and the provincial co-ordinator. Members of the executive committee prepare the agenda for the AGM; review reports of all committees prior to the meetings of the AGM. The executive committee shall continuously study the bylaws of this council to determine if they are meeting current, as well as foreseeable, needs. The committee shall meet at the call of the president.

Section 2 – Membership Committee

The membership committee shall be chaired by the director of membership development and will serve to build local membership in the IRA. Members of the membership committee must be members of the IRA and shall be recruited by the director of membership development. The committee on membership shall:

  1. keep an accurate record of total membership, including latest addresses and telephone number;
  2. provide every executive member with such current list;
  3. plan ways to secure new members and retain present members;
  4. work with local council membership people.

Section 3 – Program Committee

The vice president shall be chairperson of the program committee. This committee shall make plans for all workshops and conferences planned by BCLCIRA.

Section 4 – Budget Committee

The budget committee shall examine the income and expenditures of the council and shall be responsible for preparing the annual budget. Members of the committee shall be the president, president elect, vice president, past president and treasurer. The president elect chairs this committee.

Section 5 – Conference Committee

The conference committee shall work with the president elect and the members of the local council with whom BCLCIRA is planning the Annual Fall Provincial Conference or any other jointly planned activity. Membership in the conference committee shall be recruited by the president elect.

Section 6 – Standing Committees

Standing committees may be appointed by the president with the approval of the executive and shall serve for the term of the president unless otherwise specified in the charge to the committee. Membership in any such committee will be determined by the executive. Standing committees may serve a number of purposes such as the oversight of publications or special projects, bylaw amendments, etc.

ARTICLE VIII – Representation at the Annual Assembly

Representation of the British Columbia Literacy Council at the Delegates Assembly of the International Reading Association shall be in accordance with the bylaws of the International Reading Association as specified in Article VII, Section I, which reads in part as follows: Each provincial council of the Association shall be entitled to one delegate, provided the delegate has paid dues for the current year to the Association. One person may represent only one council in the Delegates Assembly. The president or delegate will be the BCLCIRA delegate. A council may send an alternative for each delegate: an alternate may vote only when the delegate is absent.

ARTICLE IX-Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order. Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of this council, except in cases governed by the constitution, bylaws, and special rules adopted by this council.

ARTICLE X-Dissolution

In case of the dissolution of this council, any assets remaining after paying or making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of the council will revert to the local councils.